If you skipped yesterday... Scroll down in the blog and find yourself a workout to do TODAY !!! Don't be an "I'll do it tomorrow" person... Coz that's what you said yesterday...
Here is another drill for you to add to your workouts...
Last week we did the bodyweight Down Up, this week we are increasing the difficulty by adding some resistance...
***Please Note*** This is a "down up" not a burpee... So you don't need to put your hands in the air... We'll do that when we do actual burpees or burpee presses... For now we just want to practise getting up of the ground quickly...
You can do the DB Down Up for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...
Here is a rugby fitness drill for you to add to your workouts... Do it for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...