Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Rugby Fitness Day 9

Make sure you follow us on Periscope for live videos

Get all your rugby fitness workouts at

Monday, 21 December 2015

Rugby Fit 1 to 1 Online Coaching

Email me at

Subject line: Online Training

Let me know

1) Your name

2) Age

3) Country

4) Position

5) Goals

If you are 1 of the 10 chosen, you'll get 4 Months worth of personalised training from me for just a once off £97

Good Luck

And hope to chat to you soon

Rugby Fitness Day 8

Rugby fitness drills: go to to get your FREE workouts

Monday, 6 July 2015

Rugby Fitness - Increase your strength and mobility

Introducing ....


Today's drill is going to work full body strength, stability and flexibility.

For some, flexibility in the ankles may be an issue. in which case, rather go lighter and work on your range of motion, instead of how much weight you can press.

Add this drill to your workouts.. Do it for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your strength and mobility...

#rugbyfit #barbellsquatpress

You can get more info by getting on our private email list by going to

Also... Get your copy of RUGBY BEAST MODE by clicking on the picture below

Thursday, 2 July 2015

In The Rugby Fitness Kitbag: Samball

Want to work your power & conditioning... Try the Jordan Fitness 5kg slam ball... Unlike most medballs, this awesome bit of kit is hardcore... And as the name says... It was designed for you to slam the Sh%t out of it...

#rugbyfit #rugbyfit #rugbyfitness #jordanfitness #slamball

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Rugby Fitness Blaster


For today's rugby fitness blaster, all you are going to need is a medball...

We'll be working

1) Upper body and stability
2) Lower body explosiveness and balance
3) Full body cardio

Do the routine for time or reps as below...

REPS: Do 20 reps of each and 4 sets
TIME: 30sec work, 10sec rest X 12 intervals

(Equipment Jordan Fitness​, 6kg medball)

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitblasters #jordanfitness #rugbybeastmode

Monday, 29 June 2015

Rugby Fitness: Down Up Slam


Here is a rugby fitness drill for you to add to your workouts... 

You can do it for a set amount of time, maybe 20-30sec on and then 20-30 off... 

OR do it for 10-20 reps. 

You can even pump out a set of these bad boys between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

( Equipment 5kg Jordan Fitness slam ball )

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitness #burpeeslam #jordanfitness