Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Monday, 20 October 2014

How To Get Stronger For Rugby

The one thing I get asked a lot is how to get bigger…

And my answer alsway has and always will be that you should rather concentrate on strength and power as apposed to size…

Anybody can put on weight… But most people do it wrong and it ends up being just “puffy” weight… A combination of water retention, fat and inflammation…

A few months ago I had 1 of my most dramatic testimonials… A young pro looking to get ( you guessed it… ) BIGGER…

I put him on a really simple to follow program with a few supplements… So simple that when he looked at it he was like, “ is this it…”

Here is the feedback he sent me after just 3 weeks…

I am a very light-weight prop, and have rarely strayed above 95 kgs. On the field I’ve kept my head above water by working with whatever technique I have in the scrums and making up for lack of size through effort in open play. Despite a fairly dominant season at the set piece, those times when I’m outweighed I’ve struggled, and our team have lost a lot of their forward momentum.

Dorking had a good season and won a close promotion race into National 2 South. Realising that being outweighed and out-manuevered was going to become the norm unless I did something, I went to Rugby Fit for help in the off-season.

Rugby Fit provided me with a very simple to follow program and advised me on a few supplements to help achieve my goals…

The supplements I used was from SciMX ( OMNI Leancore, X-Plode, and Testo-Drive ). I’ve tried OMNI in the past, but not the Leancore, the taste is good, and feels light, and most importantly I didn’t feel concerned taking on the extra calories as its only 350 a pop. The X-Plode had my skin buzzing and heart pumping for my first week of workouts but as my body soon adjusted and the sensation lessened. Now I only get the boost in the gym. Finally, the Testo-Drive. This I was a little apprehensive about at first glance… even though the only warning read “Danger: May Increase Sexual Appetite!” I started on half doses, cautious to any effect on my mood, but after a few days hadn’t noticed anything unusual so stuck with it. And together they have had a huge impact on my training after the three weeks. I'm at my all time personal best for all the core exercises after more than a year off gym.


DB Bench Press: 6 x 32.5
DB Shoulder Press: 10 x 22.5
Squat: 10 x 125 
1 Arm DB Row: 11 x 32.5
Weight: 95

Rugby Fit gave me a program that consisted of 10 mins core, 45 mins heavy weights, and 15 min circuits to finish. During my first week, I was pretty rusty. But the introduction of X-Plode into my system pushed me to get working and work hard. You really have no other choice after you take it! I ached after sessions and my output diminished sharply after each set. But despite all this my weight shot up to 98kg!


DB Bench Press: 8 x 35
DB Shoulder Press: 11 x 27.5
Squat: 10 x 135
1 Arm DB Row: 10 x 35
Weight: 98

The second week I worked harder on my previous PBs and either made more reps or pushed the weight up. The best side-effect of the Leancore is that there is no ache the day after, whatsoever. This is a massive encouragement with squats which, like anyone else, I hated because of the after effects. With the Leancore, I’m doing squats three times a week with high intensity cardio in between and have not felt my quads giving up on me since the first week. Another thing I noticed in the second week was my ability to recover speeding up. My drop off rate improved, which meant that I could increase the weight as sets progressed.

Week 3:

DB Bench Press: 10 x 45
DB Shoulder Press: 6 x 35
Squat: 8 x 160
1 Arm DB Row: 10 x 42.5
Weight: 100

Last week was the best yet. I have been smashing new PBs in every exercise and at every session. My best ever DB press was a lowly 35 kgs… I came into this week at that level, by Monday I had hit 37.5 kgs, Wednesday 40 kgs, and Friday 42.5 kgs. Similar things were happening with the other exercises. I was putting 5-10kg onto the squat at every session and forcing myself to get lower and earn the next weight. I can’t say exactly what it is that is driving this improvement; the Testo-Drive, Leancore, or X-Plode but together it has made a immense change to my attitude to the gym. I can lift more, for longer, so I want to lift more, and more. Keeping record and clearing maximum reps on an exercise is something that is achievable and doesn’t show any signs of stopping.

I have no doubt that without these supplements I would have peaked far sooner and struggled to make it past that point. As has been the case for me in the past.

My weight has continued to increase and I'm approaching my goal of 102/103 in under a month… 

That you for all your help and advice…

It’s great as a Strength & Conditioning coach when people actually follow your program and advice and get results like this

All it take is you having a goal and believing in yourself

And then you need to put in the hard work

If you interested in getting the program that helped Ben to smash his goal of increasing his strength and putting on muscle…

Then I have a little deal for you…

I normally charge people £127 for a program

But for the next 48hrs ( Wednesday 22 October 2014 )

You can get the exact same program for just £12


Because I want you to reach your goals too


1.    Click the link below that will take you to a PayPal page

2.    Make your payment
3.    Receive your confirmation email
4.    Click on the link and it will take you to your program


·      Videos of all the exercises you need to do (warm ups, core, strength, blasters etc.)
·      Downloadable pdfs of all your workouts

It’s really that simple

Click the link below

And I look forward to having you as my next amazing testimonial