Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Monday, 13 April 2015


Here is a little drill you can do with your training partner… All you need is a medicine ball… 
If you are doing weight training, do it for 60sec between sets… 
Or do it on its own: 
Work 60sec, rest 30sec do 3-6 sets… 
Tag your training partner… 
For more go to

#rugbyfitpartnertraining #rugbyfit #rageball
( 14lbs Rage Ball from Again Faster Europe​ )


Here is a little drill you can do with your training partner… All you need is a medicine ball… 
If you are doing weight training, do it for 60sec between sets… 
Or do it on its own: 
Work 60sec, rest 30sec do 3-6 sets… 
Tag your training partner… 
For more go to

#rugbyfitpartnertraining #rugbyfit #rageball
( 14lbs Rage Ball from Again Faster Europe​ )