Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit
Showing posts with label Rugby Fit Blaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rugby Fit Blaster. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Rugby Fitness Blaster #1 ( Wednesday Workout )

Here is a simple workout for you to try today... All you'll need is a medball...
It'll work:
💣Upper body
💣Lower body
📍Do it for time, working 40sec and resting 20sec, do 4-6 rounds...
📍Do it for reps, 10-20 reps per exercise, 4-6 rounds 

🔵Try the new RUGBY BEAST MODE program at🔵

Thursday, 2 July 2015

In The Rugby Fitness Kitbag: Samball

Want to work your power & conditioning... Try the Jordan Fitness 5kg slam ball... Unlike most medballs, this awesome bit of kit is hardcore... And as the name says... It was designed for you to slam the Sh%t out of it...

#rugbyfit #rugbyfit #rugbyfitness #jordanfitness #slamball

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Rugby Fitness Blaster


For today's rugby fitness blaster, all you are going to need is a medball...

We'll be working

1) Upper body and stability
2) Lower body explosiveness and balance
3) Full body cardio

Do the routine for time or reps as below...

REPS: Do 20 reps of each and 4 sets
TIME: 30sec work, 10sec rest X 12 intervals

(Equipment Jordan Fitness​, 6kg medball)

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitblasters #jordanfitness #rugbybeastmode

Monday, 29 June 2015

Rugby Fitness: Down Up Slam


Here is a rugby fitness drill for you to add to your workouts... 

You can do it for a set amount of time, maybe 20-30sec on and then 20-30 off... 

OR do it for 10-20 reps. 

You can even pump out a set of these bad boys between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

( Equipment 5kg Jordan Fitness slam ball )

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitness #burpeeslam #jordanfitness

Thursday, 25 June 2015

In The Kitbag


Today's bit of rugby fitness training equipment is the Jordan Fitness Large sandbag... 

Great for indoor and outdoor conditioning work... 

Work your whole body and boost your rugby fitness...

Rugby Fitness Sandbag

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitness #sandbag

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Rugby Fitness Blaster


Here is another quick rugby fitness blaster you can do to boost your conditioning.

You can either do it for a set number of reps or for timed intervals. All you'll need are some dumbbells.


REPS: Do 20 reps of each and 4 sets
TIME: 30sec work, 10sec rest X 12 intervals

(Equipment Jordan Fitness​, 10kg dumbbell, skipping rope)

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitblasters #jordanfitness #pushyourself

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Rugby Fitness Tip

If you skipped yesterday... 

Scroll down in the blog and find yourself a workout to do TODAY !!! 

Don't be an "I'll do it tomorrow" person... Coz that's what you said yesterday...

#rugbyfit #doittoday #rugbyfitness

Monday, 22 June 2015

Rugby Fitness DB Down Up


*** DB DOWN UP***

Here is another drill for you to add to your workouts...

Last week we did the bodyweight Down Up, this week we are increasing the difficulty by adding some resistance...

***Please Note*** This is a "down up" not a burpee... So you don't need to put your hands in the air... We'll do that when we do actual burpees or burpee presses... For now we just want to practise getting up of the ground quickly...

You can do the DB Down Up for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

( Equipment 10kg Jordan Fitness​ dumbbell )

#rugbyfit #dbburpee #jordanfitness #rugbyfitness

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Here is this weeks Rugby Fit Blaster...

You can do it for reps or time...

REPS: Do 20 reps of each and 4 sets

TIME: 30sec work, 10sec rest X 12 intervals

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitblasters

rugby fitness, rugby fit

Monday, 15 June 2015

MONDAY MOVEMENT: Rugby Fitness Down Up

Here is a rugby fitness drill for you to add to your workouts... Do it for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

Friday, 12 June 2015

Rugby Fit Weekly Round Up


I hope you’ve had just as goo a week as we have here at RUGBY FIT

We posted some really great pre season articles for you during the week

If you missed and of them, here are the links to go have a quick read


This weekend we are going to be shooting a whole load of new workout videos for you…

We have some really good ones planed…

We’ll hopefully have it all done early next week

That way you can start using them and getting ready for pre season


Another thing we are working on is our new membership site… This is going to be really amazing

If you’ve even wanted to have your own S&C coach to help you take your fitness and game to the next level…

Then this is for you

But more on that over the next couple of weeks

I hope you have a great weekend

Again, go read those blog posts if you haven’t already, and get started with the info I give you in them

Chat next week


Here are those blog links again


Friday, 5 June 2015

Are you ready for pre season...



It’s that time of year that everyone hates…

Are you ready for pre season…

So after a long season and a short break, pre season is almost upon us

The time of year that a lot of players pretend to be busy so that they can miss the first few sessions of fitness…


The boys I work with finished their season last Sunday with a win at Twickenham…

It’s the 4th year in a row that they have reach the county final and won it

They have had this week off


Start with their pre season readiness program next week

During this 4 week period we are going to focus on hypertrophy ( increasing muscle mass ) and basic conditioning…

Their weekly training schedule will consist of 3 gym sessions, and 3 outdoor sessions…

If they are playing any touch rugby or 7’s, this counts towards one of their outdoor sessions

The program that they’ll be using is our RUGBY BEAST MODE program

A comprehensive 4-6 week program that details everything step by step…

If you want to join in for the next few weeks your are more than welcome…

The program is online based so you can do it at your own gym or club…

You’ll get:
·      all the pdf downloads of the program
·      Video explanations
·      And you’ll also get access to our PRIVATE BEAST MODE Facebook group where you can ask us any questions

PLEASE NOTE that this is not for everyone… It is HARD WORK

So only get the program if you are willing to put the effort in…

The cost of the program is a mere £24

I guarantee that you’ll get into awesome shape

And that you’ll be the readiest you’ve ever been for preseason

NO more dreading that first training session
NO more throwing up 10min into the session
NO more not being able move, let alone walk the day after that first session

You’ll be one of the fittest at pre season

And you’ll definitely be catching the coaches eye and putting your name in the hat for the starting line up…

To get the BEAST MODE program

It will take you to a PayPal link

Make the £24 payment

You’ll get a confirmation email

And an email with a link to the private group

And then on Monday we’ll all get started together


And don’t fall behind

We are only accepting new players until this Sunday


Looking forward to seeing you in the PRIVATE GROUP

And getting you into AWESOME shape for the pre season

Have a great weekend

Chat to you soon


Monday, 13 April 2015


Here is a little drill you can do with your training partner… All you need is a medicine ball… 
If you are doing weight training, do it for 60sec between sets… 
Or do it on its own: 
Work 60sec, rest 30sec do 3-6 sets… 
Tag your training partner… 
For more go to

#rugbyfitpartnertraining #rugbyfit #rageball
( 14lbs Rage Ball from Again Faster Europe​ )

Monday, 30 June 2014

This Is It...


Hope you had an awesome weekend

Well this is it..

1) It's the final week of our 21 Day Challenge

2) It is also the start of pre season for a lot of UK clubs

Hopefully if you've been following our 21 day challenge pre season won't be such a shock to the system

Remember, pre season isn't about making you throw up and realising how crap unfit you are...

It's about progressively increasing your fitness...

Pushing your limits...

And getting you ready for an awesome season

3) Today is also the official start of our Rugby Fit Monthly

This training is designed to get you into the best Rugby Fit shape possible

It doesn't matter if you a recreational player, or a player pushing to get to a higher level 

This program will work great for you

Like with the 21 Day Challenge, you can choose the level you want to start at, and each week you can increase the intensity, weight and reps...

The program contains everything you need...

  • Warmups
  • Prehab
  • Core Workouts
  • Gym Training
  • Blasters
  • Outdoor Training
  • and 1 MAAAAASSIVE Bonus ( only available till this Tuesday )
If you want to find out more or get started

I'm looking forward to getting you Rugby Fit and ready for what will be your best season ever

Chat soon

