Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Monday, 14 July 2014

Rugby Pre Season

So this year I will again be helping Dorking RFC with all their S&C… 

We had a really good last season and have now been promoted to the National 2 South League.

We have now finished 2 weeks of our preseason training.


In the gym, the guys are following the exact same program as those of you that are part of our RUGBY FIT MONTHLY program

The guys gym on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday

With Monday and Friday being more hypertrophy type training, while Wednesday we do more power based training


We are then out on the pitch on a Tuesday and Thursday…

Till now, the guys have had the pleasure of being trained by me for a full hour and a half…

These sessions vary. Tuesdays ted to be a bit lighter, while Thursdays we go all out…

There is a good mix between medium distance drills 100-380m and short drills 20-50m

We tend to work in blocks of 4-12min

In this way, we hit all the energy systems including aerobic and anaerobic

Here is a sample of some of the drills
  1. Lactic Drive Jog: 
Start on the try line in pairs. Player 1 in front and player 2 behind him. On the whistle player 2 drives player 1 as far as he can for 40sec, then they jog for 20sec. This is 1 set. They then swop over and do a total of 8 sets ( alternating 4 each )

     2.  20/20m shuttle pass: 

Work in teams of 6 with 1 ball. 3 player on the tryline ( group 1 ) with 3 behind them ( group 2 ). Group 1 sets off together and sprints 20m and back. While they are sprinting they need to get the ball through the hands once going out 20m and once coming back 20m… the drill is the 20m sprint there and back… The pass is just to distract them and to add a bit off skill into the drill

I also throw in some touch variations too as a bit of active recovery and starting to work on skills

Here are some of the touch variations

  1. Small Channel ( 40m wide, 20m long )

  • 1 Touch turn over ( trying to avoid contact and create space )
  • Offloads ( 1 attempt to offload the ball or it’s a turn over )
     2. Medium Channel ( 60m wide, 30m long )

  • Gang & Steal ( attacker has to be wrapped up by 2 defenders then go to ground, another defender has to bridge over the ball while the 2 defenders try to steal it

     3. Large Channel ( 70m wide, 50m long )

  • Offload touch Maul ( trying to offload the ball, otherwise creating a 3 man maul for 3 seconds and then playing again )

As a S&C coach it hurts being called all the names under the sun, but you get use to it.

But you are normally the first person the guys thank when they start their games and feel like after the 80min, they still have more in the tank while the opposition are blowing out their arses…

Fitness and power are the main 2 components I have always focused on and has stood me and my teams in good stead

I’ll try and give you guys some more ideas as pre season goes by…

But in the mean time, if you want to get training on the same program as these guys, why don’t you check out my  RUGBY FIT MONTHLY  program

Train hard and chat soon

Monday, 7 July 2014

How Did You Get On


I hope you had an awesome weekend

How did you get on with your re-test

There have been some MASSIVE improvements

Some people are seeing increases of more than 30% from their 1st test

Absolutely AWESOME !!!

I just wanted to say well done with sticking with it… And keep going if you not at Day 21 yet


The biggest question I’m getting is…


Well, we’ll probably be doing another challenge in a couple of months time…

But why don’t you join the others that have signed up to get a new program every month

If you thought the 21 Day Challenge was good, and you got pretty sweet results from it… Wait till you try our monthly program…

It is a lot more in depth


  • Warmups, 
  • Prehab, 
  • Core Training, 
  • Gym Training, 
  • Blasters, 
  • Outdoor Conditioning

I’m not going to beat around the bush and try to convince you got get it… You either enjoyed the 21 Day Challenge or you didn’t…

If you enjoyed it, you probably got some good results too… If you want to keep on improving on your fitness, then I know you’ll love 


I’ve got 2 options for you


Join our monthly program at just £12 per month. If you decide to join I’ll give you a massive bonus of over £200

If you want to go with this option,


Subscribe for £12 per month and get your bonuses


It’s a pity that the world is like this, but people seem to think that everything online is a scam. I was hoping that by now you would trust me… But if you don’t, then you can get a once off 1 month program for £12…

If you would like to first try out the program for a month, then


So there you go…

Choose optin 1 and join our monthly program at just £12 per month and get over £200 worth of bonuses


Choose optin 2, pay a once off £12 and get 1 month worth of training ( with no bonuses )

Either way, I’m really looking forward to getting you even better results

Chat soon

Monday, 30 June 2014

This Is It...


Hope you had an awesome weekend

Well this is it..

1) It's the final week of our 21 Day Challenge

2) It is also the start of pre season for a lot of UK clubs

Hopefully if you've been following our 21 day challenge pre season won't be such a shock to the system

Remember, pre season isn't about making you throw up and realising how crap unfit you are...

It's about progressively increasing your fitness...

Pushing your limits...

And getting you ready for an awesome season

3) Today is also the official start of our Rugby Fit Monthly

This training is designed to get you into the best Rugby Fit shape possible

It doesn't matter if you a recreational player, or a player pushing to get to a higher level 

This program will work great for you

Like with the 21 Day Challenge, you can choose the level you want to start at, and each week you can increase the intensity, weight and reps...

The program contains everything you need...

  • Warmups
  • Prehab
  • Core Workouts
  • Gym Training
  • Blasters
  • Outdoor Training
  • and 1 MAAAAASSIVE Bonus ( only available till this Tuesday )
If you want to find out more or get started

I'm looking forward to getting you Rugby Fit and ready for what will be your best season ever

Chat soon



Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Have you heard...


Jason here

I hope you enjoying the 21 Day Rugby Fit Bodyweight Challenge

If you haven’t started yet or don’t know what I’m talking about…

Make sure you go join the over 13 000 people that are taking part in this Facebook event


It’s day 3 already…

And I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what other training you can do…

Such us what weight training should I do
  • Do you have more core training
  • Do you have more blaster workouts
  • Do you have any drills I can do outside

Well I’ve got some good news…

I’ve got all of this and more…


I know that in my early days I was always looking for programs to help me improve my game. Unfortunately the only programs that were available were in  men’s fitness and bodybuilding mags…

Now I didn’t want to be a fitness cover model, and I wanted to be a bodybuilder even less…

So I had to just plod away with these programs as there was nothing specific to rugby

I then went to study Sport Science at uni, and have been lucky enough to work with 1000’s of athlete and teams, from the amateur world of sport all the way through to the professional world…

That is why I created RUGBY FIT…

I wanted people to be able to get Rugby Specific Programs

And now I’ve created Rugby Fit Monthly

Every month you get everything you need. Just like the 21 Day Challenge, you get all you pdfs and videos…

Your monthly training consists of:
  1. Warmups and prefab training
  2. Core trainining
  3. Gym training sessions
  4. Rugby Fit Blasters
  5. Outdoor drills

This is all you’ll need to get into awesome RUGBY FIT shape

It doesn’t matter how fit you are now ( or how unfit you are )… Rugby Fit Monthly can help you get into awesome shape…

Just like with the 21 Day Challenge, you can choose what intensity you work at, and you can push yourself each session to work harder and up your level and reps…

If you serious about getting fitter or even if you are just dabbling with the idea of getting fit… I encourage you to give Rugby Fit Monthly a try…

Now I know what you thinking…

“How Much…”

We, as I mentioned, I want everyone to be able to have access to proper Rugby Specific Training…

In the past I charged £47 per month for this… ( which again cuts a lot of people out )

So I’ve decided to make this my most affordable training ever

It’ll only be £12 per monthly

Now don’t think because it’s only £12 that it’s an inferior training program…

This is the same training that I’d use to train my National 2 level guys…

So you have my word that it’s going to be quality…

There is also no long term contract, you can stay on board or cancel whenever you want and you can even re-join again whenever suites you…

I’ll be sending out a special invite tomorrow to a small group of Rugby Fit Followers, and I’ll be taking on only 100 people...

This is to make sure they like it and to give me their feedback

Then, at the end of the month we’ll be opening it up to the rest of Rugby Fit

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in and that you can benefit from…

And if you want to be one of the 100 beta testers

Click on the link below to put your name on the list to get your special 100 invite tomorrow…


If not no worries…

Keep up the good work with the 21 Day Challenge

And I’ll speak to you soon
