Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Thursday, 14 May 2015



I just did a quick video for you

It's a little something for you to try from our new RUGBY BEAST MODE program...

It will get your shoulders pumped and boost your cardio conditioning all in one...

Share with the person you going to do this with...

You can get your program at:

Registration closes tomorrow, Friday 15th at Midnight...

Monday, 13 April 2015


Here is a little drill you can do with your training partner… All you need is a medicine ball… 
If you are doing weight training, do it for 60sec between sets… 
Or do it on its own: 
Work 60sec, rest 30sec do 3-6 sets… 
Tag your training partner… 
For more go to

#rugbyfitpartnertraining #rugbyfit #rageball
( 14lbs Rage Ball from Again Faster Europe​ )


Here is a little drill you can do with your training partner… All you need is a medicine ball… 
If you are doing weight training, do it for 60sec between sets… 
Or do it on its own: 
Work 60sec, rest 30sec do 3-6 sets… 
Tag your training partner… 
For more go to

#rugbyfitpartnertraining #rugbyfit #rageball
( 14lbs Rage Ball from Again Faster Europe​ )

Monday, 29 December 2014

Rugby Fitness #6 5X Drop Circuit

Here is today's rugby fitness workout


Get Rugby Fit in 2015


Jason here

I hope you had a lovely Christmas with the family

Now it’s time of year that we chill out and eat too much…

And regrettably add a few unwanted pounds…

But have no fear…

Rugby Fit is here…

Your life should get back to normal now with regards to your eating and exercise habits…

But for some of us, those holiday pounds seem to take a permanent vacation around your stomach and love handles

And that first time you start running again you feel all sluggish and heavy…

That’s why I have some stuff for you…

If you really want to ramp up your fitness, increase your strength and burn off that fat…

You need to do my RUGBY FIT POWER

It has everything you need to get you back on track…

I’ve even thrown in 7 !!!

Yes 7 !!!

NOT 2 or 3

But 7 Bonuses for you…

The bonuses on their own are reason enough to check out RUGBY FIT POWER


If you want to start your New Year on the right foot and make 2015 an AWESOME year

Go to

I’ll see you there !!!

Why you still here ???

Go to

NOW !!!

Friday, 26 December 2014