Rugby Fit

Rugby Fit

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Rugby Fitness Tip

If you skipped yesterday... 

Scroll down in the blog and find yourself a workout to do TODAY !!! 

Don't be an "I'll do it tomorrow" person... Coz that's what you said yesterday...

#rugbyfit #doittoday #rugbyfitness

Monday, 22 June 2015

Rugby Fitness DB Down Up


*** DB DOWN UP***

Here is another drill for you to add to your workouts...

Last week we did the bodyweight Down Up, this week we are increasing the difficulty by adding some resistance...

***Please Note*** This is a "down up" not a burpee... So you don't need to put your hands in the air... We'll do that when we do actual burpees or burpee presses... For now we just want to practise getting up of the ground quickly...

You can do the DB Down Up for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

( Equipment 10kg Jordan Fitness​ dumbbell )

#rugbyfit #dbburpee #jordanfitness #rugbyfitness

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Here is this weeks Rugby Fit Blaster...

You can do it for reps or time...

REPS: Do 20 reps of each and 4 sets

TIME: 30sec work, 10sec rest X 12 intervals

#rugbyfit #rugbyfitblasters

rugby fitness, rugby fit

Monday, 15 June 2015

MONDAY MOVEMENT: Rugby Fitness Down Up

Here is a rugby fitness drill for you to add to your workouts... Do it for a set amount of time, reps or do it between other exercises to boost your workout and conditioning...

Friday, 12 June 2015

Rugby Fit Weekly Round Up


I hope you’ve had just as goo a week as we have here at RUGBY FIT

We posted some really great pre season articles for you during the week

If you missed and of them, here are the links to go have a quick read


This weekend we are going to be shooting a whole load of new workout videos for you…

We have some really good ones planed…

We’ll hopefully have it all done early next week

That way you can start using them and getting ready for pre season


Another thing we are working on is our new membership site… This is going to be really amazing

If you’ve even wanted to have your own S&C coach to help you take your fitness and game to the next level…

Then this is for you

But more on that over the next couple of weeks

I hope you have a great weekend

Again, go read those blog posts if you haven’t already, and get started with the info I give you in them

Chat next week


Here are those blog links again


Thursday, 11 June 2015

What sort of fitness should I be doing to get ready for pre season

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the previous post I did on how many sets and reps you suppose to be doing

In case you missed it, you can read it by clicking the link below

So another question I get asked a lot is “what sort of rugby fitness should I be doing during the pre season”…

And I’ll use the same answer as in the previous post…

It depends…

Again it depends on what phase of your pre season you are in

But here are some guidelines

Each of these phases last from 4-6 weeks


This is generally the phase before team pre season starts…

You are still training on your own or you might be training with 1 or 2 team mates…

During this phase you want to generally just keep up your cardio vascular fitness, while still giving your body and joints a bit of a rest from the long season behind you.

We won’t do anything too intensive in this period…

You can use indoor and outdoor bikes, rowing and circuits

When it comes to running, we’ll do longer distances. Maybe a 20-30min steady run, 800m runs, 400m runs and longer shuttles

You do want to challenge yourself a bit during these sessions, so make sure that you are measuring them.

If you are running specific distances, try and improve on your times…

And if you are running set times, make sure that you are trying to increase the distance covered

The guys that are busy doing our RUGBY BEAST MODE program have a 2 day conditioning split

They first test themselves doing the 1 MILE BEAST MODE SHUTTLE

They then alternate between gym and conditioning days, and each conditioning day the alternate between conditioning session 1 or 2

They track their progress and retest themselves every few weeks to see you they are improving

And that is the key to improving your rugby fitness


If you want to join the rest of the guys in the BEAST MODE program and get yourself ready for pre season

Again is a £24 investment in yourself and this season, but it is well worth it… And I’ll even give you a money back guarantee…

·      You’ll get all your daily programs
·      Video explanations
·      And access to our PRIVATE BEAST MODE Facebook group

Make your payment and you’ll get immediate access to everything

If not

Good luck with your training and I’ll chat to you soon
